Our IX Framework

Instructional Experience (IX) = Instructional Design (ID) + User Experience (UX)


Beyond Instructional Design

Instructional Design is the right practice to create learning programs that are effective. But we believe that beyond the effectiveness of a course or program, there is an important factor that is essential to drive engagement and completion rates: UX design.

A process that increases engagement and completion rates

The Unique Transformational Promise

How do we create an experience that resonates with our audience? What is the unique transformational promise, and how do we communicate that? These are questions that require a deep understanding of the program, its audience and the environment in which the experience takes place.

Learning experiences that resonate with your audience

The right combination of design practices

As if creating a product in a startup environment, every learning program that we design is approached and developed under an agile methodology mindset that allows us to understand and learn the problems that need to be tackled. That’s what our Instructional Experience (IX) framework is. A combination of Instructional Design (ID) and User Experience (UX), that allows us to craft learning experiences capable of engaging your audience, and achieving completion rates that drive growth.

Designed to drive innovation

Your competitive edge

A culture that values and promotes learning is an environment suited to adapt and innovate at the speed the world demands today, it is also the environment where talent is created, and where talent wants to thrive. 

startup, business, people
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